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5 Ways to Increase Home Value in Idaho

Value of  your property

Did you know that between 2021 and 2022, Idaho homes increased by an average of more than 25% in some areas? It's expensive, but it's changing every year, and investing in a home always adds value, whether the economy is good or bad.

Whether you're selling your home in Idaho or looking to increase the value of your current home before you sell it, there are many things you can do to increase the value of your home. The following tips will help you decide how to update or renovate for the best return on your investment.

Update the Kitchen

The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home. If you're planning a sale, it's better to choose a timeless design than follow the latest trends. With trend cycles moving faster than ever, you don't want to risk your kitchen looking dated before the paint job is complete. You can do amazing things when it comes to breathing life into an outdated kitchen.

If you're on a budget, updated appliances can have a big impact on the overall look of your kitchen and, by extension, your entire home. There is a possibility. You may have to pay some money at first, but consider an investment that will allow you to recoup even more when you sell your home.

Update Your Bathroom

There's a reason 'Your home is your castle. With that in mind, it's no surprise that buyers often feel more comfortable in their home when their bathroom is updated. There are things you can do to improve the look and function of your bathroom.

Updates include:

• Install new countertops

• Replace old shower heads with new models that reduce water and energy use

• Replace old floors and sinks with new updated models

• Paint Fresh Painted Walls and Cabinets The key to making your

update shine is the quality of the materials you purchase.

Low-quality products may look good at first, but over time they become less durable and more expensive. Choose quality home products that will enhance the look and functionality of your bathroom without causing problems down the road. It is important to remember that roofs have an expiration date. Homeowners should expect to replace their clapboard roofs about every 20 years.

A roof replacement doesn't have to be expensive and time-consuming, especially if you hire the right professionals to take care of your project. Many contractors will show you a concept photo before they touch the roof and give you the necessary

Contact Justin or Property Solution Northwest in Idaho for a cost estimate for roof repair, inspection, or renewal.

Update Your Driveway and Patio

Winters in Idaho are harsh. Frost heave and low temperatures can significantly shorten the life of asphalt or concrete driveways and cause cracks no matter how well they are leveled during installation.

Cracks in the driveway and patio should be repainted. And although you can always pour new cement to keep the surface looking like new, re-paving is significantly cheaper. intrusion can be prevented. This can cause more problems later.

Garage Door Replacement or Painting The

The garage door is expensive and must be replaced. If you have a worn wooden garage door, consider painting or glazing it instead. Painting a garage door costs a fraction of the cost of a replacement, giving you an instant makeover of your home without the expense or hassle of replacing it.

When replacing your garage door, consider choosing a modern style that reflects current trends in garage door styles. Garage doors are one of the biggest visual indicators of aging in your home. So replacing your door can easily increase the value of your home.


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